Support for those seeking more

California • Florida • Texas • Online

Are you tired of living your life on hard mode?

If you're ambitious, motivated, and hardworking, yet find yourself stuck in a constant state of self-doubt and overthinking, you're not alone. Maybe it feels like you're failing at work—despite your career success. Maybe you're wondering if you're doing life wrong, hiding these feelings from those around you and leading to isolation and disconnection.

Here, you'll find a space where you feel seen, understood, and supported.

My mission is to help you break through self-doubt, worry, and anxiety by sharing practical wisdom from peak performance, meditation, and neuroscience. Together, we'll work towards making positive changes that lead to a more confident, effective, and fulfilling life.


Hi, I’m Tyler.

I’m Tyler Willis, a licensed therapist and executive coach. Since 2013, I've helped clients just like you, gaining extensive experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I founded my private practice in 2020 to focus on individual therapy for working professionals. My approach is unique because I deeply integrate mindfulness into my work, drawing from my own extensive meditation practice which includes multiple silent retreats.


Holistic and Individualized Services


My clients are often high-achievers

They tend to overthink and struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, and stress, with a focus for those in their 20s and 30s. Despite their professional success, they feel like they aren’t living up to their potential, which affects their confidence, relationships, and overall well-being. Many of my clients have tried various self-help techniques they've heard on podcasts or from friends but still struggle to find lasting solutions. They appreciate a straightforward, relatable therapist who understands their challenges and can offer practical, evidence-based strategies.

While every person’s experience is unique, I’ve seen patterns emerge in the types of individuals who come to my practice and respond well to my approach.

Who I help:

How I help:

Individual Therapy

I specialize in one-on-one therapy sessions conducted online, making it convenient for clients in California, Texas, and Florida. We'll work together to tailor an approach that aligns with your unique needs, intertwining reflective practices with practical skill-building.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Techniques to help you cultivate mindfulness and improve emotional well-being. This includes guided meditation practices and strategies to integrate mindfulness into your daily life.

Executive Coaching

Tailored strategies for high achievers looking to enhance their performance and well-being. I provide guidance and tools to help you navigate the pressures of leadership and achieve a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Innovative Approaches

Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and innovative therapies, I offer a forward-thinking approach to address entrenched issues and help clients achieve profound insights and breakthroughs.


At the core of my practice is a powerful, evidence-based approach

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) combines acceptance and mindfulness strategies with commitment and behavior-change techniques. Here's how it works:

  • Acceptance: ACT teaches you to accept your thoughts and feelings rather than fighting them. This acceptance creates space to observe your thoughts without being overwhelmed by them.

  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves staying present and fully engaging with whatever you are doing at the moment. It helps you break free from the cycle of overthinking and live more fully in the present.

  • Action: ACT encourages you to commit to actions that align with your values. This means taking meaningful steps towards the life you want, even when it's challenging.


Integral parts of my therapeutic approach

Here’s how they can help:

  • Stress Reduction: Mindfulness meditation is a proven method to reduce stress. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to manage your stress more effectively.

  • Emotional Regulation: Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your emotions and develop healthier ways to respond to them.

  • Increased Focus: Regular mindfulness practice can improve your focus and concentration, helping you be more present and engaged in your daily life.

I incorporate these elements deeply into our work together, ensuring that mindfulness is not just a buzzword but a valuable skill that transforms how you relate to yourself and the world around you.

Why work with me?

  • Roughly the same age as many of my clients, I offer a perspective that bridges the gap between traditional therapy and contemporary challenges. Clients often tell me they appreciate working with someone who understands the pressures and stresses of modern professional life.

  • Unlike many who superficially incorporate mindfulness, I bring depth and authenticity to this practice, supported by my ongoing advanced training in meditation and Buddhist psychology. My approach is about deeply integrating mindfulness into our work together, not just using it as a buzzword.

  • Utilizing ACT and mindfulness-based CBT, I provide practical tools to help you navigate stress, anxiety, and career challenges. These proven techniques guide clients towards deeper self-awareness, enhanced emotional intelligence, and resilience in stressful situations.


Ready to Take the Next Step?

Imagine a life where you're fully present, where your relationships are deep and meaningful, and where you move with genuine confidence. If you’re motivated to make positive changes and ready to explore mindfulness-based strategies to enhance your life, get in touch. Let’s work together to help you feel more confident, effective, and fulfilled.